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Тема/Вариант2.The Modern English Alphabet- Evolution from Egyptian Hieroglyphs 624242
ПредметАнглийский язык
Тип работыконтрольная работа
Объем работы15
Дата поступления25.12.2012
700 ₽


Introduction 3 1.Acceptance of the foreign alphabet. 4 2.The Modern English Alphabet- Evolution from Egyptian Hieroglyphs 6 3. Old English 7 4. Modern English 8 5. Letter names 10 6.Spelling Reform for English. 12 Conclusion 15 Bibliography 16


Introduction The alphabet is a set of characters of symbols used to communicate in a written form in a specific language. These characters may differ according to each nationality with some adopting similar characters while others are completely different. The earliest known origin on the alphabet was to be the "North Semetic" during the period 1700 to 1500 BC originating in the Mediterranean. Towards 1000 BC the evolution of 4 other alphabets occurred from the Canaanites, Aramaic, South Semitic and Greeks Aramaic formed the basis of Middle Eastern nations including Arabic, Hebrew and Indian. From offshoots of the Greek alphabet formed modern Greek, Cyrillic and Etruscan. Cyrillic would then become the script for eastern European nations including Russia, Bulgarian and Serbian. Etruscan would then evolve into Latin, which was used by the Roman Empire. The Roman conquests throughout Europe spread Latin through out its empire. It initially began with 21 letters but after conquests and time it evolved to the modern day 26. The English language uses the latin 23-alphabetic alphabet, to To which letters W, J and V have been added. The latin alphabet has replaced ancient german runes in 6 century, after penetration into England christianities. Modern English spelling has developed by 15 century. A pronunciation since then Has strongly changed, and in 17 and 18 century works on standardization were carried out spelling. Numerous attempts of reform of the English spelling have not crowned success. Modern English spelling is based on historical, Instead of on a phonetic principle. Therefore the English spelling is considered one


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