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Тема/ВариантThe main environmental problems facing mankind today. Экологические проблемы.
ПредметАнглийский язык
Тип работыреферат
Объем работы2
Дата поступления25.12.2012
650 ₽


The main environmental problems facing mankind today.


All parts of the environment are closely related to one another. Ecologists, who study the relationships among living things and other parts of the environment, say that because of the close relationships, a kind of pollution that chiefly harms one part of the environment may also affect others. Air pollution harms the air, but rain washes pollutants out of the air and deposits them on the land and in bodies of water. Wind, on the other hand, blows pollutants off the land and into the air. <br>There are several kinds f environmental pollution: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and pollution caused by solid wasters, noise, and radiation.


1) Практика устной речи. Selected topics for discussion. Advanced level.:учебное методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов старших курсов./Л.С.Крохалёва и др.-МГЛУ,2009
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