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Тема/ВариантPeculiarities of functioning of epithets in modern English works of art (on the basis of R. Bradbery)
ПредметАнглийский язык
Тип работыкурсовая работа
Объем работы25
Дата поступления25.12.2012
750 ₽


Introduction 3 Chapter I. Epithet - stylistic device. Types of epithets 6 1.1. Epithet is a stylistic device. 6 1.2.Types of epithets 11 Chapter II. Ray Bradbury and his epithets Ray Bradbury. 19 Conclusion 23 Bibliography 25


Problems of the communications, grammar and poetics of the text, problem of formation of sense and text technologies, functioning of an art word, stylistic devices (metaphors, метонимии, comparisons, an epithet), problems of style of the writer and were investigated by many linguists (F. I. Buslaev, A. G. Gornfeld, A. A. Potebnja, A. N.Veselovsky, M.M. Bakhtin, B.M. Ejhenbaum, L.I.Timoth, V.M.Zhirmunsky, B.V. Tomashev, V.V. Vinogradov, N.D. Arutyunov, A.T. Rubajlo, T.G. Vinokur, V.P.Grigoriev, A.P. Evgeneva, I.A.Sternin, L.I. Zubova. M.V. Fedorova, K.S. Gorbachevich, E.P. Hablo, A.G. Moskaleva, D.E. Rosental, V.P. Kovalev, V.K.Harchenko, E.T.Tcherkasov, S.M. Mezenin, E.A.Nekrasov, J.Lalevich, Century Изер, O.I.moskals, U.Eko, G.J.Solganik, V.G.Admoni and others). One of the main trop is epithet which is coinside more often with definition-function of an adjective, genetic attributive which became a subject of the linguistic analysis in V.M.Brysinoj, E.A.Zemskoj, A.I.Kajdalovoj, G.M.Shipitsynoj, E.M.Volf\'s works, M.F.Lukina, N.A.Mironovoj, I.S.Toroptseva, I.A.Ustimenko and others. In spite of the fact that there are many researches in this problematics, to a problem of epithet a few of them are devoted. Especially emotionally - estimated aspect of the adjectives forming an epithet is studied insufficiently. The question about the way emotive component enters into a lexical word meaning in linguistics is not solved. Emotional human life refracts in language and its semantics. In speech practically any word can become emotive: neutral words, being combined, with each other, can form emotive word-combinations and superphrase unities. According to Prof. Galperin I.R., Epithet is a stylistic device based on the interplay of emotive and logical meaning in an attributive word, phrase or even sentence, used to characterise an object and pointing out to the reader and frequently imposing on him. According to Prof. Sosnovskaya V.B., Epithet is an attributive characterisation of a person, thing or phenomenon. It is, as a rule, simple in form. In the majority of cases it consists of one word: adjective or adverb, modifying respectively nouns or verbs. e.g. “I tell you that had it ever occurred to me, that such a monstrous suspicion would have entered your mind, I would have died rather than have crossed your life.” The important problem remains also metaphorizing adjectives and patity of metaphorical and estimated sense. In the work the attention will be given first of all to a stylistic problematics, to consideration of usage of such stylistic device as an epithet. The epithet can carry out two basic functions - to concretize the description, adding to the created picture new details and to strengthen the emotional effect created by the text. These functions are not mutually exclusive: the same epithet is capable to solve both problems; moreover, the epithet without second function, in the art text is excessive. Nevertheless it is important to distinguish these functions, because \"graphic\" function of an epithet is additional and rather essential to the main aim of the art text [5, c. 59]. Despite the fact that there are many works devoted to the problem of epithet, some important aspects have not been fully investigated. This defines the actuality of the work and its theoretical value. The purpose of the work is to consider an epithet and its role in the original text. The basic purpose of our work is formulated as a research of linguistic nature of epithet, its types from the point of semantic, structural parameters and its informational significance in the text. The given aim predetermines the concrete tasks of the research: 1) to consider epithet is a stylistic device; 2) to describe the types of epithets; 3) to analyze epithets in Ray Bradbury’s work. To reveal the informational value of epithet in our work the following methods of linguistic analysis were used: word’s definitions analysis, contextual and text analysis. The work consists of introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and the list of used literature.


The purpose of the work was - research of a linguistic nature of an epithet and its informative importance in fiction, from the point of view of structural, semantic and stylistic parameters. Epithet is an adjective or adjective phrase appropriately qualifying a subject (noun) by naming a key or important characteristic of the subject, as in \"laughing happiness,\" \"sneering contempt,\" \"untroubled sleep,\" \"peaceful dawn,\" and \"lifegiving water.\" Sometimes a metaphorical epithet will be good to use, as in \"lazy road,\" \"tired landscape,\" \"smirking billboards,\" \"anxious apple.\" Aptness and brilliant effectiveness are the key considerations in choosing epithets. Be fresh, seek striking images, pay attention to connotative value. In work the epithet is considered as means transfering the individual, subjective - estimated attitude to the described phenomenon. Use of adjectives in this function is determined by their substantial and functional characteristics, namely the predicativity, to stylistic values inherent in them. In the work the epithet is considered as the necessary component of the whole-text. We consider also metaphorical epithet, from the position of intentional and implicational components of meaning. The analysis of the language material has shown the big variety of epithets from the point of view of their structural, semantic and stylistic characteristics. Structural types of epithets are various. They can be expressed by nouns, adjectives, the whole word collocations in syntactic function, qualitative adverbs etc. In work there are such types of epithets, as constant, explanatory, metaphorical, inverted, phrase and mixed are considered. It was also interesting a metaphorical epithet which is bright means creating figurativeness of the art text and realization of conceptual sense. 4. The analysis once again confirms that the epithet is the basic means with the help of which figurativeness is created, and on the basis of it the individual - estimated attitude of the author to a subject comes to light. It also determines its high informative importance in a work of art. The second chapter is concerned with the semantic and stylistic analysis of the epithet. In the work the epithet is determined as a stylistic device based on the interplay of emotive and logical meaning in a attributive word, phrase or even sentence used to characterize an object and pointing out to the reader. The epithet always has the emotional meaning or emotional color due to peculiarities of semantic structure of adjectives.


1. Арнольд И. Стилистика современного английского языка, M., 1990, с. 54 2. “Вопросы языкознания”, номер 1, 1953 г., стр.16 3. Автенъева А. О типологических соответствиях стилистических приёмов английского и русского языков in the book Контрастивное исследование оригинала и перевода художественного текста. Сборник научных трудов, Одесса, 1986, c.37 4. Кузнец M., Скребнев Ю. Стилистика английского языка, М., 1960, c. 51 5. Потебня А. Теоретическая поэтика, M., 1990, с. 158 6. Прохорова В.И, Сошальская Е.Г «Хрестоматия английской лингвистической литературы по стилистике», изд. МГПИИЯ,1971 7. Скребнев Ю. Стилистика английского языка, M., 1960, c. 11-95 8. Bradbury R. „The Murderer“//Bradbury R. Fahrenheight 451., Short stories. – Moscow: Raduga publishers, 1983. 9. Galperin I.R. Stylistics. M. V.Sh. 1981 10. Geniusas A digest of Style, Riga, 1972, p.112 11. V.A.Kukharenko. A Book of Practice in Stylistics. M. V.Sh. 1986 12. Middleton J. Murry The Problem of Style, London, Oxford University Press, 1961, p. 71 13. ”Learner’s Dictionary of Current English ”, by Hornby, Oxford, London, 1994. 14. Prescot F.C. The poetic Mind, New-York, 1953, p. 122 15. ”A Short Guide to English Style” by A.Warner, London, 1976. 16. ”Style in language” by T.A.Sebeok, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1960. 17. ”Analitical Reading” by Sosnovskaya V.B., Moscow, 1974. 18. ”A Book of Practice in Stylistics” by Kukharenko V.A., Moscow, “Higher School” publishing house, 1986. 19. ”Stylistics” by Galperin I.R., Moscow, “Higher School”, 1977. 20. ”Linguistic Stylistics” by N.E. Enkvist, Mouton, The Hague, 1973. 21. ”Seminars in Style” by Kukharenko V.A., Moscow, 1971. 22. ”An Essay in Stylistic Analysis” by Galperin I.R., Moscow, 1968. 23. ”Stylistic Analysis” by Soshalskaya E.G., Moscow, 1976. 24. Aristophan was the great ancient Greek poet – comedian, the so called “Farther of the Comedy” (Oxford English Dictionary). 25. “The Critical Heritage” by K. Beckson, Great Britain, 1970, p.325 26. The New Encyclopedia Britannica, USA, 1994, vol. 11, p. 338 27. “A Short Guide to English Style” by A. Warner, London,1961,p.142 28. Skrebnev Y.M. Fundamentals of English Stylistics. M. V.Sh. 1994'
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