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Тема/ВариантРазнообразие английского произношения
ПредметИностранные языки
Тип работыреферат
Объем работы10
Дата поступления25.12.2012
550 ₽
СодержаниеIntroduction…………………………………………………………………….2\r\n1. Variety of the English pronunciation in the geographical plan………..3\r\n2. A variety of the English pronunciation in the stratification plan……..5\r\n3. A variety of the English pronunciation in the functional - stylistic plan……………………………………………………………………………..7\r\nSummary………………………………………………………………………..9\r\nList of the used literature……………………………………………………10ВведениеIntroduction\r\n Language as the system consists of set of systems or subsystems (syntactic, lexical, phonetic), each of which represents system formation(education). Language as the public phenomenon carries out the basic communicative function during dialogue of people. Speech activity of everyone speaking reflects features of his or her own person. In conditions of functioning of the advanced literary language and its variants speaking has a wide choice of language forms.\r\n This work is devoted to a variety of the English pronunciation. We shall examine a variety of the pronоuncing system of the English language in the following directions: \r\n1). Geographical one\r\n2). In the stratification plan (i.e. depending on the status of people - a social status, an occupation, education, sex and age);\r\n3). In functional – stylistic direction (i.e. depending on sphere of people\\\'s communication).ЗаключениеSummary\r\n\r\n Although people living in different areas of England, understand each other and can communicate, the English pronunciation is very various. This variety is caused by different causes. In general three main directions of variety are marked. These are variety of the English pronunciation in the geographical plan,\r\na variety of the English pronunciation in the stratification plan and a variety of the English pronunciation in the functional - stylistic plan. Each of them have their own features, such as smoothing, lengthening, omissions of sounds and many others.ЛитератураList of the used literature\r\n\r\n1). Бродович О.И. Диалектная вариативность английского языка. – Л.: Издательство Ленинградского университета, 1988.\r\n2). Гинтовт К.П. К вопросу о стилистических модификациях звуков речи в английском языке //Межвузовский сборник научных трудов. – М.: МГПИ им. В.И.Ленина, 1988.\r\n3). Мошнина Т.В. К вопросу о социально-лингвистической обусловленности фонетических вариантов слов английского языка.// Межвузовский сборник научных трудов. – М.: МГПИ им. В.И.Ленина, 1988.\r\n4). Разинкина Н.М. Функциональная стилистика. – М,:Высшая школа, 2004.\r\n5). Шевченко Т.И. Социальная дифференциация английского произношения. – М.:Высшая школа, 1990.'
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