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Тема/ВариантПсихологическая и психиатрическая теории 6744
ПредметАнглийский язык
Тип работыконтрольная работа
Объем работы6
Дата поступления25.12.2012
700 ₽


Причины преступлений


1. The oldest theory, based on theology and ethics,is that criminals are perverse persons who deliberately commit crimes or who do so at the instigation of the devil or other evil spirits. 2. Cesare Lombroso asserted that crimes were committed by persons who are born with certain recognizable hereditary physical traits. 3. Crimes against the person,such as homicide,are relatively more numerous in warm climates,whereas crimes against property,such as theft,are more frequent in colder regions. 4. Many modern criminologists of the 19 centure attributed crime mainly to the influence of poverty. 5. Theory of Lombroso was disproved in the 20 centure by Goring. Theory of Goring study of jailed criminals and law-abiding persons established that so-called criminal types, with innate dispositions to crime, do not exist. 6. One fourth of a typical convict population is psychotic, neurotic, or emotionally unstable and another one fou


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