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Тема/ВариантВыберите верное высказывание п7854
ПредметАнглийский язык
Тип работыконтрольная работа
Объем работы7
Дата поступления25.12.2012
700 ₽


Содержание 2 Задание 1 3 Задание 2 4 Задание 3 6


Задание 1 I.1. Выберите верное высказывание. a) Do you hear me well? b) Are you hearing me well? a) We understand Spanish well. b) We are understanding Spanish well. a) We are reading the first English books in origin. b) He is always reading English books in translation 2. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму. I was walking slowly down the street when somebody called me yesterday. We didn't stop to look at shop window 2 hours ago. How long have you been here? When will you have next holiday? I think she was cooking dinner by the time mother came home. I was tired. I was working all day long. It is snowing heavily. It have been snowing since Monday. The heavy snowfalls is making the roads impasseble. II. 1. Выберите верную форму залога. a) The book is being discussed/ is disscussing now. b) Our car is usually repared/repairs in Mike's garage. c) The fact was mentioned/mentioned by many people. d) The children have been looked after/ are looked after by their nurse on workdays. 2. Вставьте необходимый по смыслу модальный глагол на место пропуска: a) You should take this medicine regulary. b) May I open the window? c) You should not come so early. d) There were so many questionsthat he could not


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