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Тема/ВариантГенри Форд как новатор (The Most Innovative Business Manager)
Тип работыэссе
Объем работы4
Дата поступления12.12.2012
1000 ₽


Вступление 1 три стадии успешного менеджмента (с подтверждающими примерами) 2-4 Выводы 4 Заключение 4


If I were asked to pick the most innovative business manager, I would pick Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford would be my first choice for the several reasons, because he was responsible for a number of innovations that benefited his business greatly, but I prefer to concentrate on his creation of the universal car.


In summary, the analysis of universal car mass production makes me consider Henry Ford to be the most innovative business manager, whose innovation greatly benefited his business. The innovative management practices he applied include: unification of the production, assembly line, vertical integration, TQM and problem orientated innovation.


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