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Тема/ВариантThe English Phraseology
ПредметАнглийский язык
Тип работыкурсовая работа
Объем работы20
Дата поступления25.12.2012
750 ₽


Сontent Introduction……………………………………………………….……………….3 Chapter 1 Some theoretical problems of the phraseology…………………………4 1.1 The essence of the phraseology.........................................................................4 1.2 The definition of the idiom…………………………………………………….5 Chapter 2 The English Phraseology………………………………………………7 2.1 The words with the emotional significance…………………...………………7 2.2 The features of the English idioms\' translation……………………………….8 Chapter 3 The phraseology in the newspapers…………………………………...12 3.1 The newspaper\'s style……………………………………………….……….12 3.2 The using of the idioms in the newspapers\' headlines………………………15 Conclusion……………..………………………………………………………..19 The list of the used literature……………………………………………………20


Introduction The phraseology is one of the brightest and effective linguistic means. The metaphorical and emotional character of the phraseology makes the speech more figurative and expressive. Undoubtfully, the phraseology has a special role in the mass media, especially in the newspapers. The linguist Vinokur G.O. said that the newspaper\'s language is the language of the phraseology. The specific of the newspaper\'s speech is that there are special speech formations in it – headlines, subheadings and rubrics. As the heading the journalists can use one word, word combination, sentence and, of course, the idioms. The headline is the strong position in the newspaper. It is the first thing to which the readers take the attention. Our work is devoted to the idioms\' functioning in the newspapers\' language. The aim of our work is to reveal the features of the English idioms\' functioning in the newspapers\' language. The aim has defined the next tasks: 1. To reveal so me theoretical problems of the phraseology. 2. To characterize the English idioms. 3. To analyze idioms\' functioning in the English newspapers (on the example of the newspaper “Morning Star”) While making our work we used the works of such linguists as Vinokur G.O., Suvorov S.P., Arnold I.V. and many others. At the analysis of a practical material the English-Russian dictionary of Мuller and explanatory dictionaries of publishing house of the Oxford university were used.


Conclusion We came to the conclusion on the basis of the studied theoretical material and of the research of the newspapers\' headlines that the phraseology is one of the brightest and effective linguistic means. The phraseology has a special role in the mass media, especially in the newspapers. The studying of the newspaper\'s style showed the necessity to pick out the headlines as the separate genre. One of the features is the reduction of the idioms\' elements. The reduction is presented by the ellipse and the the omission of the second part of the idiom. Sometimes, the stylistic method of the ellipse and of the omission give the possibility to combine the expressive and informative functions. This functional compression of the idioms is gained in the cases which we designate as the false ellipse. The false ellipse is the break of the statement: the second components are omitted. Then the statement is caught up, but the other components. These components have the informative function. The break of the statement takes the attention of the reader, because the reader had to compare the newspaper\'s form of the idiom with the traditional one. In our work we have also considered the problem of the translations of the idioms. We have underlined four mistakes which the translator can make during the idioms\' translation and four main ways to make the adequate translation. These ways are: 1. The translation of the English idiom by its equivalent in Russian. 2. The using of the Russian idiom which is analogue to the English one. 3. The literal translation of the idioms. This kind of the translation can be applied if it apprehended easily by the Russian readers 4. The descriptive translation which is used to explain the meaning of the idiom which has not an equivalent in Russian.


The list of the used literature 1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык. – М.: Флинта, 2005. 2. Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. Учебник для студентов 2 курса языковых вузов. – М.: Владос, 2003. 3.Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. Учебник для студентов 3 курса языковых вузов. –М.: Владос, 2003. 4. Будагов Р.А. Литературные языки и языковые стили. – М.: Высшая школа, 1967. 5. Васильева Н.В., Виноградов В.А., Шахнарович А.М. Краткий словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Русский язык, 2005. 6. Виноградов В.В. О теории художественной речи. – М.: Высшая школа, 2001. 7. Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. – М.: Издательство литературы на иностранных языках, 2008. 8. Голуб И.Б. Стилистика русского языка. – М.: Рольф; Айрис-пресс, 2007. 9. Гюббенет И.В. Основы филологической интерпретации литературно-художественного текста. – М.: Издательство Московского университета, 2001. 10. Клименко Е.И. Традиции и новаторство в английской литературе. – М.: Издательство ЛГУ, 2003. 11. Клименко Е.И. Проблемы стиля в английской литературе первой трети 19 векаю. – М.: 2004. 12. Кожина М.Н. К основаниям функциональной стилистики. – Пермь: Издательство ПГУ, 2005. 13. Кузнец М.Д., Скребнёв Ю.М. Стилистика английского языка. – М.: Учпедгиз, 2000. 14. Разинкина Н.М. Функциональная стилистика. – М.: Высшая школа, 2004. 15. Фёдоров А.В. Язык и стиль художественного произведения. – М.: Издательство «Художественная литература, 2005. 16. Фёдоров А.В. Очерки общей сопоставительной стилистики. – М.: Высшая школа, 2001.'
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