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Тема/ВариантRussia XX-of XXI centuries.
ПредметАнглийский язык
Тип работыдиплом
Объем работы85
Дата поступления25.12.2012
3500 ₽
СодержаниеContents\r\n\r\nIntroduction………………………………………………………………………...3\r\n1. Theoretical aspect of studying of a problem of development of Russian art during 20-21 centuries\r\n1.1. Features of Russian art during 20-21 centuries………………………………..8\r\n1.2. The basic characteristics of the market of Russian art……………………….46\r\n1.3. New directions of development of Russian art in modern Russia……………48\r\n2. Research of the Russian market of painting in structure of Russian art in 2000 y. \r\n2.1. A place of painting in system of the Russian market of arts…………………55 \r\n2.2. Features of development of the Russian market of painting: segmentation, structure and assortment of pictures, the analysis of a competitive landscape, a price policy………………………………………………………………………..59\r\n2.3. Prospects and the basic directions of development of the Russian market of painting……………………………………………………………………………64\r\nСonclusion………………………………………………………………………...82\r\nLiterature………………………………………………………………………….84ВведениеIntroduction\r\n\r\nUrgency of research. The art market – complex and many-sided the phenomenon, is essential and versatilly influencing on an art life of a modern society. The changes which have occurred in Russia, connected with the beginning of transition to market economy, have caused active коммерциализацию arts, formations of new model of art consciousness of a society, interaction of business and culture. The commodity reference(manipulation) of works of art began to be perceived by the objective reality rendering essential influence, both on development of the modern art, and on creative processes and the person of the artist. Simultaneously with development of the internal commodity reference(manipulation) of art subjects the share of domestic art in the international art market has considerably increased. The quantity of works of masters of the domestic school participating on foreign auctions and exhibitions, submitted in art galleries has increased. Growth of popularity of Russian art and, as consequence(investigation), increase in market cost of works of the Russian masters is obvious. Increase of a role of market attitudes stimulated need for studying the commodity reference(manipulation) of works of art in culture. In the research literature there are the works devoted to separate aspects of the given problem. However the most part of questions yet did not become a subject of the scientific analysis, till now there is no full picture of historical development of the art market in Russia. Studying of a history of this phenomenon, definition of the basic stages of his(its) becoming and development will allow to systematize the materials connected to the commodity reference(manipulation) of works of art, to use them for preparation of analysts and experts of the art market, and also considerably to expand representation about a history of the Russian culture. Theoretical and the practical importance of a problem have determined a urgency of the given research. \r\nDegree problems. The problem of the art market has complex character, its separate aspects are considered within the framework of various scientific disciplines. One of the basic is the sociological approach declared in works by G.V.Plehanova, V.M.Friche, V.Gauzenshtejna in which art was considered(examined) in connection with economy, in a context марксисткой the idea asserting(approving) his(its) dependence on a parity(ratio) of productive forces and relations of production. Social - psychological and sociological aspects of functioning of works of art and cultural values, their theoretical and empirical studying it is undertaken in concrete sociological researches of art. The state institute искусствознания, since the middle of 1970th years, on a regular basis carried out(spent) the sociological analysis of perception(recognition) public of various kinds of art. Results of these researches have found reflection in V.J.Boreva, V.M.Petrov, N.M.sharp-sighted, G.G.Dadamjana, V.Ladmjae\\\'s works, etc. From the point of view общесоциологических laws of functioning the art culture in J.N.Daydova, JU.V.Perov, A.N.Sohora\\\'s works, К.Б was investigated. The Sokolov, JU.U.Фохт-grandmother\\\'s, N.A.Hrenova. Questions of functioning of art in conditions of market economy have drawn attention of scientists - sociologists in connection with economic reforms of the end of 1980th years.\r\nBases of economy of art and culture, theoretical concepts of an economic mechanism of cultural activity (by R.S.Grinberg, B.C are developed. Жидков, V.M.Petrov, A.J.Rubinshtejn, L.I.Yakobson, OVER. Shishkin, etc.). The special scientific editions devoted to this problem in which complex influence of system social is considered(examined), political and economic forces on processes of social functioning of art leave: « Art and the market » (М., 1996), fundamental four-volume research of collective of scientists of the State institute «Art \r\nlife of a modern society » (SPb., т. 1, 1996; т. 2, 1997; т. 3, 1998; т. 4, 2001).\r\n In historical aspect of the art market is traced in the works devoted to art life Росси and activity of various creative associations, a life and to creativity of separate masters (I.E.Grabar, V.P.Lapshin, G.G.Pospelov, D.V.Sarabjanov, G.J.Sternin, A.D.Chegodaev, A.M. Efros, etc.). Most full specified problem is considered in V.P.Lapshin\\\'s work « the Art market in Russia the beginnings of XX century», (1996). In works of the Russian historians I.E.Zabelin, V.O.Kljuchevskogo, P.P.baking, SEE. Соловьева, the important data concerning to a life and traditions of pre-pertine Russia which are widely used in the given research work contain. Questions of a collecting of works of art to which the history of the Russian art market is closely connected, were considered(examined) in the beginning of XX century by A.N.Benua, N.N.Vrangelem, A.V.Prahovym, and also K.A.Akinsha\\\'s modern scientists, WITH. Androsov, V.F.Levinson Lessing, S.A.Ovsjannikovoj, L.J.Savinskoj, A.I.Frolov, etc. The works devoted to art collecting, contain extremely important for the given research an actual material about the prices for works of art, historical data on process and places of their purchases. Memoirs and correspondence of collectors, artists and their contemporaries also contain the important information on a history of the art market which research gives rich a material (A.N.Benua, A.P.Botkin, I.E.Grabar, V.P.Komardenkov, K.A.Korovin, СК. Makovsky, M.V.Nesterov, A.A.Sidorov, F.I.Shalyapin, S.ShCherbatov, P.I.Schukin, etc.). \r\nProblems of interrelation of business and culture, opportunity of application of marketing, фандрейзинга in sphere of art, long-term forecasting of development of the art culture, concerning to economy of welfare sphere, were studied in V.M.Petrov, J.A.Pompeeva, F.F.Rybakova, G.L.Tulchinskogo\\\'s works, etc. \r\nQuestions of a parity of aesthetic value and economic cost of works of art, actual for a considered theme, have not received sufficient development in a domestic science. In part this problematics was considered in works классиков an economic science: D.Ri-kardo, A.Smith. Substantive provisions of the theory of labour cost (K.Marx) and theories of limiting utility (E.Bem-Baverk, F.Vizer, K.Menger) are actual for research of functioning of works of art as goods in system of market attitudes(relations). \r\nIn works of the western scientists questions of functioning and perception(recognition) of works of art also were considered(examined). At the end of XIX century T.Veblen has entered into the sociological theory the term « demonstrative consumption », concerning and to art production. Change of character of works of art, loss of \\\"aura\\\" by them under influence of technical progress, and also change of a way of their perception were investigated by V.Benjamin. Since 1950th years, a number of works of foreign scientists was devoted to the analysis of the status of the artist in a society A.Hauzer financial position, processes of isolation and integration of art trades (R.Kenig, A.Zilbermann (R. Konig, A. Sil-bermann), to the analysis of sphere of art trades and the market (J.-C. Passeron), Item - (Menger P.-M.) . The social - psychological analysis of the modern consumer society filled, testifying about deficiency of authenticity in postmodernist culture, is undertaken in Z.Bodrijjara\\\'s works (G. Baudrillard). \r\nResearches of French sociologist P.Burdje, the author of concept « the symbolical capital», represent special interest for studying the art market, in connection with disclosing of concept « a field of cultural manufacture » and the analysis of process of \\\" art consumption » in modern culture. \r\nObject of research — art culture of Russia XX-of XXI centuries.\r\nObject of research — formation of the market of products of the fine arts in culture of Russia XX-of XXI centuries.\r\nThe purpose of research: studying of features of development and functioning of the art market of products of the fine arts in Russia XX-of XXI centuries. \r\nAccording to an object in view in research the following problems are defined: \r\n1. To analyse features of Russian art of 20-21 centuries.\r\n2. To characterize the art market of Russia.\r\n3. To prove the basic directions of development of the art market in Russia.\r\n4. Studying development of the art market in 2000: the analysis of assortment, structure.\r\nMethodological and theoretical basis of research. Specificity and complexity of object and an object of research and as novelty of a problem have defined(determined) necessity of application of interdisciplinary and system approaches which allows to consider the art market as complex and many-sided phenomenon. In a basis of research the principle of a historicism and rather historical method which allow to carry out complex analysis of a history of becoming and development of the market of products of the fine arts in Russia lay. \r\nTheoretical basis of the given research works of domestic philosophers, the culturologists, reflecting have made the system approach in studying culture as complete phenomenon (T.A.Apinjan, S.N.Artanovsky, A.F.Yeremeyev, S.N.Ikonnikov, M.S.Kagan, JU.M.Lotman, the ITEM. Махлина, V.V.Selivanov, N.N.Suvorov, A.J.Flier, V.A.ShChuchenko, etc.). \r\nFor consideration of the art market as the phenomena of culture have served as scientific-theoretical base of research of a social life of art in works of the western philosophers and sociologists, such as V.Benjamin (W. Benjamin), S.Berman (S.N. Behrman), Z.Bodrijjar (G. Baudrillard), P.Burdje (P. Bourdieu), T.Veblen (Т. Veblen), A.Gelen (A. Gehlen), K.Marx (K.Magh). In the lead(carried out) dissertational research for revealing specificity of a work of art as goods ideas of representatives \\\"институтациональной\\\" the theories of art submitted in works by T.Binkli (Т. Binkley), by D.Diki (G. Dickie), P.Ziffa (P. Ziff), S.Lalo (Ch. Lalo) are used. \r\nThe practical importance of research consists that in the given work the condition of the Russian art market at the present stage is investigated, the basic problems are revealed: imperfection of the legislation, immaturity of legal base of examination, absence of accessible chronological assembly of catalogues, absence of active demand for works of art; the prospect of development is determined: integration of the Russian market into the international art market; the role of the art market in popularization of domestic culture abroad is revealed.ЗаключениеConclusion\r\n\r\nThe modern market of the fine arts extends more and more. In struggle for the buyer artists and galleries are more and more compelled to resort to public relations, moving ahead in the recognition and popularity. \r\nThe art - market of the modern art shares on two directions. First, interior, that is arts and crafts activity with elements of art, and the more there arts, the below the price. In Moscow in interiors pictures - appendices to a bar, a sofa, a tie, a suit are sold. In a home market of thousand the artists making production which should be bought maximum quickly.\r\nThe Russian market of works of art, which volume is estimated in 1,5 billion dollars, in the near future will continue promptly to develop. Economic attitudes will penetrate and on the unorganized, specific market of art more and more. So services of insurance of private(individual) collections have appeared, the opportunity has appeared to take picture on hire, but most of all market is interesting to financiers as sphere of significant and practically safe investment where doubling of the sum of the investment of all for some years is possible лучить at least.\r\nBy virtue of specificity of the given market, it not subordination to market mechanisms on the foreground leaves PR. As practice shows individuality and distinctive features of the goods, certainly, are important, but if not technologies and tools of the report of the information on existence of the given exclusive goods – chances to become(begin) the sold artist are used or well-known galleries are minimal, let alone an opportunity войты in the annals of a history of arts.\r\nIn consciousness of participants of the market necessity of use PR for the activity and promotion more and more wakes up. However the Russian validity still shows unpopularity and insignificance of application of tools PR. \r\nActors of the market operate intuitively, instinctively, what not конкурентно in comparison with well organized PR-campaigns in the West more. In fact our galleries and artists participate in exhibitions and abroad where they lose to the colleagues. \r\nAnd the international exhibitions initiated by the Russian organizers (same \\\"Art - ЦДХ\\\" и \\\"Art - arena\\\"), cannot compete to quality of the organization and image of foreign international exhibitions such as ARCO in Spain, Biennale in Italy, ART-Miami in the USA, etc., that undermines image of Russia as cultural center and power.ЛитератураLiterature\r\n\r\n1. Araskay I.I. Histor of graphic art of Saint Petersburg – Petrograd – Leningrad: the end XIX – first third XX century: studies. The grant(manual) / I.I.Arskaja, E.M.Glinternik, M.L.Makagonova; С.-Петерб. ин-Ô (õ¿½). The Moscow State University of a seal. – SPb., 2000. – 235 with.\r\n2. Vodchits S.S.aesthetics of book proportions: studies. The grant(manual) for students of high schools / S.S.Vodchits. – М.: Publishing house of MGTU, 1997. – 247 with.\r\n3. Herman I.J.Parizhskaja school. Moscow, 2003 \r\n4. 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