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↑ вверх
Тема/ВариантВопросы по английскому языку
ПредметАнглийский язык
Тип работыконтрольная работа
Объем работы1
Дата поступления25.12.2012
700 ₽


Вопрос1 Вопрос 2 Вопрос 3 Вопрос 4 Вопрос 5


Вопрос1 1. Where is the bird? It is in the cage. 2. Can you give me a glass of water? 3. Will you go to the park with us? 4. What is this? It is my bicycle. 5. Our garden is very nice. Вопрос 2 A. When does she usually go shopping? B. How often do we go to school? C. What is she doing? D. Whom does Nina teach at school? E. What is my mother doing in the kitchen?


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